Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Coming Back Home

Good evening everyone!

(Sigh).. yeah... we are traveling tomorrow night and today it has hit me... vacation is over. The journey back to Islamabad will be very long and I am not really looking foward to it but we will finally be home and ready for work and also back to my beloved tools and paper!

Talking about paper... I love Paloma Gomez and her creativity you can see her ideas here. She is also having a very generous Candy giveaway...She is celebrating her first Blogaversary so please go to the blog to participate.

 I am very excited for her. She is such a creative crafter and her stamps are amazing!!

Okay people, I am have to finish packing and go to bed to start fight for the jetlag, any tips!?


1 comment:

  1. Karla, I hve really missed your creations. Hope all is well with you and your family. I adore your blog. You really have a talent with paper. An artist is what you are!
